miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2012


They show people participating in sporting activities.
Q: I'd like you to compare the two photographs and say why sport is important to people. 
 The question will help you with the structure of your talk. 
A) Start with a general summary of the topic:
'These two photographs show people involved in a sport.'
B) Then move on to a comparison of the two pictures, using words to help explain the comparison: 
Both photographs were taken outside and each of the people are concentrating hard on what they're doing. 'The top photo shows a woman rock climbing whilst the bottom photo is of a young skating ... It looks like the woman is out in the natural world whereas the boy is in a man-made skating park ..... etc.'
C) Finally give your opinion with examples, again using signposting words and expressions to help the examiner follow your argument.
'In my opinion, sport is important for people in lots of ways. For example, it's a way to keep fit of course, but we also meet new people and can get a lot of enjoyment from a sport ... etc.'

Q: Now, I'd like you to talk about something together for about 3 minutes.Q: I'd like you to imagine that you are planning a week-long touring holiday with your partner around the country that you're studying in. You want to see as much as possible but don't want to spend too much money on transport. Look at the types of transport shown in the photographs.Q: First talk to each other about how useful each of these forms of transport might be for your holiday. Then decide which one would be best.Q: All right?

FCE Speaking Test Part 4: (Discussion)

Q: Which sports are popular with young people in your country?Q: Some people say people don't participate in sport as much as they should. Do you think this is true?Q: Do you think team sports are more fun than individuial sports